Workplace investigations

Workplace Investigations

Workplace Investigations –  As a result of the changes to the workplace since 2020 with many employee working from home we are now able to conduct investigations and interviews remotely through Australia using Zoom and MS Teams. 

We still have the capacity to be briefed, review documents and conduct all interviews remotely and have legally compliant transcripts drafted.  Contact us for assistance

Workplace investigations into misconduct and issues such as complaints of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment and also interpersonal grievances can be a difficult, time consuming and stressful for the parties concerned.

One of the most common difficulties encountered by HR departments, managers and business owners when conducting internal workplace investigations is that virtually everyone involved knows one another or are connected in some way in the business and at times will have competing agendas. This can lead to significant conflicts of interest and bias.

Engaging Australian Workplace Training and Investigation takes away that stress and the potential for any complaints of bias, allowing you concentrate on your core business responsibilities and commitments.

The investigation of complaints and grievances into misconduct such as workplace bullying, harassment and sexual harassment can’t wait and can’t be placed in the too hard at the moment basket. We can take the stress of dealing with these matter from you and leave you free to deal with the multitude of calls upon your time.

We can help you and your employees to understand the workplace investigation process.

When making a decision to conduct workplace investigations internally or to outsource it is wise for an employer to ask the following important questions:

  • Do we have someone with the necessary expertise and experience to conduct an investigation?
  • Do we have the time to undertake an investigation that could potentially take up to six weeks?

If an employer is going to conduct an internal workplace investigation or inquiry does the person/s nominated have:

  • Solid experience conducting investigations?
  • Extensive experience conducting investigative interviews?
  • A full understanding of the rules of evidence?
  • An understanding of procedural fairness?
  • A comprehensive understanding of current legislation as it relates to workplace complaints such as misconduct, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination?
  • Experience making finding and recommendations and writing reports that will withstand the scrutiny of an industrial commission, the Fair Work Commission or a court? (link to Fair Work Commission)

Other considerations;

  • Can we ensure;
    • Transparency
    • Independence
    • An absence of Bias
    • An absence of Conflicts of Interest
  • Will the parties involved object to having the matter investigated internally

It is smart business to let an expert handle workplace investigations for you.

Australian Workplace Training & Investigation can provide workplace investigation services to suit your individual needs and all services are tailored to work within your budget.

Outsourcing a workplace investigation service enables you to concentrate on your business and to allow experienced and qualified investigators handle what we refer to as the ‘dark side of HR’.

Workplace Investigations – Fair Work. We ensure that all our investigations and training programs are consistent with the requirements of the Fair Work Commission and relevant State Industrial Relations Commissions.

Typical area of workplace investigations

  • Complaints and grievances,
  • Bullying
  • Harassment
  • Sexual harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Misconduct
  • Breach of policy or Code of Conduct
  • Inappropriate use of IT or other resources
  • Misuse of social media
  • Fraud or theft.

Supported workplace investigations & peer mentoring

If you intend to conduct a workplace investigation internally we can assist by peer mentoring you before, during or after the process, including acting as your support person during interviews, reviewing evidence with you and providing guidance as required during the report writing process. More details. Please contact us if you would like to discuss how we can assist you and costing

Investigation review

Where an internal investigation has been conducted we can provide support and review of:

  • Investigation process
  • Evidence, interview & statements
  • Allegations and letters of allegation
  • Findings & recommendations
  • Final report
  • Procedural fairness

We can assist in the provision of workplace training – Workplace Training

AWPTI – Workplace Investigations Sydney and through-out NSW and all Australia.
Workplace training worldwide.

Misconduct investigations, bullying investigations, harassment investigations & sexual harassment investigations, complaint and grievance investigation.