Contact & Grievance Officer Training
Contact & Grievance Officer Training – Is your organisations doing all it can to take all reasonable and proportionate steps to address and eliminate sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace.
AWPTI Contact & Grievance Officer training
AWPTI has developed a Locally based Contact Officer training course to ensure that your Contact Officers are able to fulfil the initial response responsibilities when someone makes a complaint or if there are issues in an organisation.
This five to six hour course (dependant on the level of interaction/ questions etc) that is part of our Live by Request series can be provided in person or via Zoom or MS Teams to your organisation at time to suit your requirements. We have an organisational rate that allows unlimited participants at a flat rate – please contact us for more details
It is recommended for initial Contact or Grievance Officers to assist them to take initial complaint details, identify and understand grievances, workplace misconduct or interpersonal conflict and manage workplace issues that may require escalation.
Contact & Grievance Officer training Content of the course
Included in the course at no extra cost are the AWPTI Workplace Document Toolboxes.
The Grievance Resolution Document Toolbox details here –
The value of the toolbox is $800.00
While this is not an investigation course, many of the documents contained within the Workplace Investigation Documents toolbox may be useful for contact or grievance officers.
Details and content of the toolbox can be found here –
The value of the toolbox is $1200.00
This session consists of questions, discussion of real world case studies based on actual complaint investigations and dispute resolution interventions.
At the end of this course, participants should be able to:
A survey conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission found while a high percentage of women had been sexually harassed in the workplace only a much smaller percentage actually reported incidents. We have all heard many stories or have experienced incidents where workplace bullying is not reported.
Does this mean that if your organisation has not received many (or any) reports of sexual harassment bullying and discrimination it isn’t happening or is your reporting system failing? (I suspect that it may be the latter)
Why is it failing, it could be;
1 – No system in place
2 – Lack of trust in the system
3 – Victims not knowing how to report or who to report to
4 – Witnesses not stepping up due to point 1 – 3
5 – Lack of action by the people taking the reports, this could be due to lack of knowledge of what to do and how to do it
6 – Small or understaffed HR departments (in many cases people turn to HR in there situations)
7 – HR professionals and managers not trained to take reports and take the required action
8 – Large or multi site organisations where HR may be not easily accessible at a particular site or region, State or even country.
Reporting sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination as a victim or witness can be daunting if not terrifying and embarrassing. Organisations must do all they can to make the process open and effective.
An answer – Contact & Grievance Officer Training
Create an effective and trusted reporting and response mechanism by putting in place locally based and suitably trained Contact Officers. Just like Unions or employee associations who have onsite delegates, the local Contact Officer can be an effective first point of contact.
The Advantages
* The locally based Contact Officers are onsite and accessible, access can be immediate
* Employees are aware that the locally based Contact Officer are there and are available
* They are chosen because they are people who are known and trusted
Contact & Grievance Officer Training
To make a system of locally based Contact Officers effective, the Contact Officers must be trained. Training should include;
How to
1 – Recognise and understand sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace
2 – Take an initial complaint and assess the best options for dealing with the complaint
3 – Conduct initial enquiries to ascertain if the complaint warrants further action including a disciplinary investigation
4 – Create and keep records pertaining to Contact Officers part in the process
It is not suggested that the Locally based Contact Officers are fully trained investigators, they are the initial point of contact.
Taking action to prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace is good for business. It can minimise legal, reputational and financial risk; improve productivity and worker well-being; it is also necessary to comply with legal obligations such as the employers duty of care.
Organisations, business and employers MUST take note that On 25 November 2022, the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022 was passed into Law. The Act to implements recommendations from the AHRC 2020 Respect@Work report. It will significantly strengthen Australia’s regulatory framework in respect of sex discrimination, and in particular, sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment the new positive duty
The centrepiece of the Act is the introduction of a positive duty to prevent sex discrimination and sexual harassment.
The Act amends the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) by introducing a new positive duty for all employers to take ‘reasonable and proportionate measures’ to eliminate, as far as possible, unlawful sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sex-based harassment, hostile work environments and victimisation. This duty will coexist with existing duties under work health and safety laws, including the duty of employers to provide a safe working environment for workers, so far as reasonably practicable.
The Australian Human Rights Commission concluded in the Respect@Work report that a positive duty shifts the burden from individuals making complaints to employers taking proactive and preventative action. As the positive duty is an ongoing duty, it shifts the emphasis from a complaints-based model to one where employers must continuously assess and evaluate whether they are meeting the requirements of the duty.
Under this new duty, it will be imperative that all employers and organisations adopt preventative measures to address sex discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace, one of the most important preventative measures is training your employees to understand what sexual harassment is and that it is unlawful.
In anticipation of these changes, employers should move towards a preventative model, and prepare to operate as though they have a positive duty to ensure that their workplace is free of all forms of discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Employers should look to review their internal practices by:
It was estimated that in 2018 sexual harassment alone cost the Australian economy approximately $3.8 billion, how much could sexual harassment bullying and discrimination cost your business?
AWPTI can also provide understating misconduct in the workplace training for all your employees to help them understand what is and what is not sexual harassment bullying and discrimination and what to do if they experience or witness incidents – Employee training
AWPTI can also provide a number of misconduct investigation training programs for HR professional, managers and business owners, click the links for more details;
Workplace Investigation Training (2 day course, Highly recommended) and most popular
Conducting Workplace Investigations (Basic- 1 day course options)
Conducting Workplace Investigations (extended 3 day course)
Sexual Harassment Investigation Training
Workplace Investigation interviewing
All of the programs are part of our Live by Request series can be provided via Zoom or MS Teams to your organisation at time to suit your requirements. We have an organisational rate that allow unlimited participants at a flat rate – please contact us for more details
Training is available in person or via Zoom or MS Teams worldwide.