Grievance Resolution Document Toolbox
Grievance Resolution Document Toolbox – When confronted by workplace grievance you must decide do it yourself or call in an expert.
There are a number of reasons for making a decision to do it yourself but often the cost is a major factor, this is where the Australian Workplace Training and Investigation toolbox can assist you.
Using easy-to-follow plain English the Grievance Resolution Document Toolbox will assist you to maintain a stress-free workplace. Helpful documents such as our uniquely tailored interview scripts take the hard work out of meeting with and interviewing parties.
The AWPTI Grievance Resolution Document Toolbox contains full documentation and far more than is offered anywhere else including a full set of workplace instructions, an interview and other manuals, letters, interview scripts and sample investigation reports.
The Grievance Resolution Document Toolbox will:
The comprehensive Grievance Resolution toolbox contains 24 documents & manuals
Special price $800.00 (plus GST)
To purchase the standard toolbox please contact me enquiries@awpti.com.au
I will provide you with a Tax invoice and a link were you can download the toolbox once the invoice is paid. Our system will accept EFT and credit cards