In person workplace training
In person workplace training from AWPTI is back in 2023. Of course training is still available remotely via Zoom and Teams.
Since March 2020 I have delivering most of my programs remotely via Zoom and Teams however in 2023 I have been very busy travelling around Australia delivering training in person.
Whether it’s sexual harassment or behavioural and respect training for all your employees, workplace investigation training for your HR professionals and managers or reasonable management action training for your managers I can assist.
All of my programs are Live by Request which means I will conduct them at a time, date and location to suit your needs.
Please contact me ( if you would like to discuss your training needs and the options of remote or in person training and of course the flat rates I provide to organisations with no limit on attendees.
My popular courses including: (Click the title for details)
* Understanding Workplace Sexual Harassment
* Understanding Workplace Misconduct
* Respect in the workplace
* Conducting Working Investigations (General)
* Conducting Working Investigations (sexual harassment specific)
* Management Essential (Reasonable Management Action)
* Contact & Grievance Officer training
* Complaint Management training
The details of courses are on my website –
All of the courses can be tailored to suit you needs.
It is important to remember that in November 2022, the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022 was passed into Law. The Act to implements recommendations from the AHRC 2020 Respect@Work report. It will significantly strengthen Australia’s regulatory framework in respect of sex discrimination, and in particular, sexual harassment.
The new positive duty
The centrepiece of the Act is the introduction of a positive duty to prevent sex discrimination and sexual harassment.
The Act amends the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) by introducing a new positive duty for all employers to take ‘reasonable and proportionate measures’ to eliminate, as far as possible, unlawful sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sex-based harassment, hostile work environments and victimisation. This duty will coexist with existing duties under work health and safety laws, including the duty of employers to provide a safe working environment for workers, so far as reasonably practicable.
The Australian Human Rights Commission concluded in the Respect@Work report that a positive duty shifts the burden from individuals making complaints to employers taking proactive and preventative action. As the positive duty is an ongoing duty, it shifts the emphasis from a complaints-based model to one where employers must continuously assess and evaluate whether they are meeting the requirements of the duty, especially in regard to training.
Under this new duty, it will be imperative that all employers and organisations adopt preventative measures to address sex discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace, one of the most important preventative measures is training your employees to understand what sexual harassment is and that it is unlawful.
In person workplace training – Workplace Sexual Harassment – What can employers do?
To ensure that you are taking ‘reasonable and proportionate measures’ to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace you must ensure that you have Training that clearly outlines what sexual harassment is, how it happens, that it is unlawful and what do if an employee is subjected to or witnesses sexual harassment in the workplace and what organisations and HR professional must do when complaints of sexual harassment in the workplace are received.
It is vitally important to note that from 1 December 2023, the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) can inquire into compliance with the new positive duty. If non-compliance is reasonably suspected, the AHRC can issue a compliance notice and apply to the Federal Court for orders to direct compliance with the notice.
What does Sexual Harassment compliance mean?
Simply put it means taking all reasonable steps to eliminate, as far as possible, unlawful sex discrimination, including sexual harassment by;
- Having clear well written polices that are available and accessible for your employees
- Providing training and retraining to your employees at all levels so that they understand;
* What sexual harassment is
* That it is unlawful
* What to do if they are subjected to or witness sexual harassment - Show that they have a trusted reporting mechanism that helps to create a supportive culture where your employees will come forward if they are subjected to or witness sexual harassment in the workplace
We recommended that training is conducted twice annually and especially when new employees come on board.
Sexual harassment training can assist you to
* Identify how, where and when sexual harassment might happen
* Work out how you will address sexual harassment if it does happen
* Understand the triggers for sexual harassment
* Help you employees to understand the unacceptable ‘excuses’ for sexual harassment.
Now is the time to act
It may be too late come December 2023. Don’t take the risk. You may be called upon to show that you have complained with the positive duty!!
AWPTI can provide your organisation with our Understanding Workplace Sexual Harassment programs. The program can be delivered in person or remotely via Zoom or MS Teams with a flat rate with no limit on attendees.
Details and content of the programs can be found here –
The programs have been designed and developed and are facilitated by Phil O’Brien, (more details here) a highly skilled and experienced workplace investigator and trainer. The advantages of having Phil deliver the program for you are;
Please contact me if you would like more details or would like to discuss making a booking, or on 0409 078322