International Workplace Management Institute
We maximise human performance by creating unrivalled pathways to optimal workplace behaviour.
International Workplace Management Institute delivering misconduct and investigation training worldwide – Every leader knows that in the pursuit of high performance and greater profitability there is bound to be human conflict. The cost of resolving these issues could be debilitating. However much of this can be prevented with the right kind of training, preparation and processes. At IWMI we are here to take away the stress and pain of dealing with employee misconduct and workplace interpersonal conflict.
IWMI’s best practice training programs are designed through decades of experience to minimise misconduct and provide cost-effective methods for early intervention that will save time, money and emotional heartache. Our Training programs are all based on and will reference experience gained conducting real investigations.
Since 2020 in conjunction with Australian Workplace Training and Investigation the International Workplace Management Institute has been delivering training via Zoom and MS Teams to a number of participants in countries including;
In 2022 and beyond we intent to offer our training courses worldwide.
The current training courses include;
While laws and regulations may differ depending on the region, country and jurisdiction, behaviours such as bullying or sexual harassment are consistent world wide. Best practice investigation processes are also the same where ever you are.
Our courses are tailored to the particular jurisdictions we are proving training to and can be customised to cover your policies and your code of conduct.
All of our training is conducted by Phil O’Brien a highly qualified and experienced workplace investigator. The programs have been developed as a result of Phil having to investigate 1000s of complaints of misconduct including bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, fraud, theft, misuse of resources including IT and email and many more. The training is not just theoretical, it is based on actually incidents, complaints and issues experienced.
Currently all of our training is conducted as part of our Live by Request series that means will will conduct the training at a time/day to suit your organisation including weekends. The course outlines similar to those conducted within Australia can be found here – or
If you would like more information or to enquire about making a booking please conduct us via the contact page at or
PLEASE NOTE – The payment/booking pages on are NOT active.
International Workplace Management Institute coming soon
In 2022 the International Workplace Management Institute will have fully downloadable options for our training programs via the new website (not operational as yet)