Risk Management Training

Risk Management Training

Risk Management Training, in any business it is crucial to make risk management a priority.  The main focus of AWPTI is the investigation of and training related to workplace misconduct. This includes bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination and other areas of misconduct including the misuse of resources including IT specifically around Internet and e-mail misuse and other areas such as fraud and theft.

The training programs developed by AWPTI have been designed to assist employers to avoid and or respond to the risks and incidents associated with behavioral misconduct. Unlike other forms of Risk Management programs the AWPTI programs specifically deal with people, the independent variable, this can make the situation difficult to initially identify problems and put strategies in place to stop the problems arising.

What employers must do is take all reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate as far as possible the incidence of bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

The risk management strategies contained within the training programs are designed from a number of perspectives and can be tailored to suit your needs;

Risk Management training – Advice for employers

Assess potential risks

Assessments can be made by reviewing past incidents or past complaints or by looking at what’s happening in the world, for example what incidents of sexual harassment are being reported in the media and is our organisation in danger of this happening here.

What incidents in relation to bullying are being reported by the Fair Work Commission, what incidents in relation to discrimination are being reported by the Australian Human Rights Commission, some simple research on the FWC or AHRC websites might provide guidance in this area.

The question is simple in what areas is our organisation vulnerable?

You can also conduct feedback surveys amongst your employees to see how they feel about the climate and culture in your organisation.


Plan ahead if you have identified where potential problems could arise. It is important to understand that not everyone in a workplace will get along, it could be argued that conflict is inevitable. Often when a conflict occurs the parties may make bullying complaints against each other.

Incident Response

If an incident occurs or is reported take action immediately. Obtain as much detail of the incident the persons involved and any witnesses.

Investigations into incidents involving festive season activities and alcohol are very complex and I caution against taking them too lightly. My advice if you need help contact me as soon as possible.

It is important both for the welfare of the person subjected to inappropriate behaviour and also for the organisation to take action quickly.

It is much better to take proactive action to instigate an investigation then wait until you receive letters from lawyers demanding compensation or some sort of settlement.

This is where complaint management, initial response and workplace investigation training becomes very important.

Misconduct Training

Ensure that you have training clearly defines what sexual harassment is, what bullying and harassment are, what discrimination is, that they are all unlawful and what to do if a person is subjected to or witnesses sexual harassment, bullying and harassment, discrimination.

It is important that any training also emphasises that bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination will also not be tolerated.

Risk Management Training – Common Risks

Sexual Harassment – More details, click here

Workplace Bullying – More details click here

Workplace Discrimination  –  More details click here

Conferences and festive season eventsMore details click here

Misuse of resources including IT, internet, email – Coming soon

Misconduct via social media platforms – Coming soon

AWPTI training programs for employees – designed to reduce the risks of behavioral misconduct and misconduct directed towards other employees such as sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination by ensuring that your employees are aware of what the different forms of misconduct including bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination are and how to respond if they are subjected to or witness any of these forms of misconduct and to understand the behavioral expectations of your organisation.

Respect@Work/Positive Duty/Understanding Workplace Sexual Harassment
Understanding Workplace Misconduct This program covers bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination and misuse of resources
Understanding and preventing misconduct at events and festive season functions (NEW)

AWPTI training programs for Managers – The manager’s programs are designed to not only provide managers with the information contained within the employees program but also provides strategies and advice to manage incidents occur or when complaints are made.  Advice relating to the management of complaints will help to ensure that the organisation satisfies its duty of care.

Manager’s version of Respect@Work/Positive Duty/Understanding Workplace Sexual Harassment
Manager’s version of 
Understanding Workplace Misconduct
Complaint Management/Initial Incident response
Investigating Workplace Misconduct

For organisations or businesses who wish to have internal courses for their employees we have a flat rate with no limit on participants, please contact us for details, recommended if you have 3 or more participants.

In addition for organisations only this course can be conducted in person.  As I am based in Sydney in person courses outside of Sydney may incur travel and other expenses, please contact me and I arrange a detailed quote –phil@awpti.com.au