Short Courses

Short Courses – This page contain details of a number of new shorts courses designed to help employers, business owners and HR professionals when dealinig with complaints and conducting investigations.

The courses are now part of our ‘Live by Request’ series. they are 60 minutes (depending on the level of participant interaction, questions etc) in length and can be delivered in person (organisations with multiple attendees only) or remotely via Zoom or MS Teams anywhere in Australia or internationally.

We charge a flat rate for organisations with no limit on attendees, for more detail please contact me –

I am in the process of recording some of the course to have them avilable on video in the near future.

Click the links for more details of the courses;

The programs are designed and conducted by  Phil O’Brien as a result of having to investigated 100s of complaints of misconduct including bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, fraud, theft, misuse of resources including IT and email and many more.  The training is not just theoretical, it is based on actually incidents, complaints and issues experienced.

Please contact us for more details, costings and to book courses –