Workplace Fraud Investigation Training
Workplace Fraud Investigation Training – In some cases fraud may be a matter that needs to be referreds to the Police. However the Police may indictaed that they beleive it is a workplace matter that is better hadled internally.
It is recommded that if you are going to conduct an internal investigation into the fraud it is important that you get it right as the matter could end up in a court.
Fraud is defined as “Dishonestly obtaining a benefit by deception or other means” Fraud can range from minor to serious nature. It may be a number of incidents or a single act.
Examples of fraud can include but are not limited to:
- Unlawful, unauthorised or unethical use of
- Credit cards
- Cab Charge
- Expenses
- Travel
- Dining
- Bribery
- Corruption
- Cronyism
- Patronage
- Embezzlement
- Abuse of office or power;
- unlawful use of resources
- Internet usage
- Information
- Travel allowance
- Resources
- Motor vehicle
- IT
- Credit cards
- Other employer property
What should you do if you witness or suspect that fraud has or is occurring?
- Note your observations
- Report your concerns
- Inform only those who need to know
- Suspected fraud should normally be reported to senior management responsible for the area.
Managers and supervisors
Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that procedures have inbuilt safeguards and that employees are informed that fraudulent behaviour will not be tolerated.
All employees:
All employees and contractors need to be aware of their responsibilities in relation to preventing, detecting, reporting and investigating fraud against the organisation.
Workplace Fraud Investigation Training
AWPTI has developed a comprehensive Workplace Fraud Investigation Training program. This 2 day program Recommended for HR professionals, managers and employers involved in the investigation of fraud and corruption in the workplace.
This is a one of a unique and kind highly interactive course where participants work through an actual investigation from the receipt and analysis of the complaint/incident, interviewing the parties (with our facilitators in the roles of the witnesses and the respondent), reviewing and analysing the evidence, drafting allegations and making finding and recommendations. We don’t know of any other course that is currently available that provides this deep dive into the investigation process. The process used in the training is the process that I use in every investigation I conduct.
All of our training is conducted by Phil O’Brien a highly qualified and experienced workplace investigator. The programs have been developed as a result of Phil having to investigate 100s of complaints of misconduct including bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, fraud, theft, misuse of resources including IT and email and many more.
All of our courses are part of our ‘Live by Request’ training. This means we will conduct the training at a time/date to suit you in person or remotely via Zoom or MS Teams. We have a flat rate for organsiations with no limit on atatendees, contact us to details and costs.
The content of the program
Day 1
- What is the workplace
- Initial complaint/incident response and handling
- Types of complaints
- What is workplace misconduct
- What is workplace fraud & corrupt conduct
- Who commit fraud and why
- Workplace polices and misconduct.
- Conducting initial enquiries & taking reports
- Incident reports & complaint/Incident response forms
- Informal or formal investigations
- Investigations in the workplace
- Why investigate
- Investigation fundamentals
- Procedural Fairness, Bias and Conflict of Interest
- The investigation process
- Complaint analysis & the complaint ownership theory
- Dealing with difficult parties, complainants, witnesses & respondents & support people
- Planning investigations
- Complaint analysis
- Record keeping
- Evidence
- Unfair dismissal and the role of the investigation and the investigator
- Interview room set up
- Interview planning
- Types of questions to ask
- Investigative interview technique
- PEACE method
- Dealing with difficult complainants and respondents
- Role play interview preparation
Day 2 covers interviewing in depth
- Interviewing complainants and witnesses (role plays with AWPTI facilitators)
- Drafting legally complaint allegations
- Respondent interview planning
- Interviewing respondents (role play with AWPTI facilitator)
- Analysing and evaluating evidence
- Making findings
- Report writing
- Legal Requirements
- The Investigation toolbox (see below)
In addition to the skills obtained during the Workplace Fraud Investigation Training Course provides participants with the opportunity to:
- Work through an investigation based on a real world scenario from receipt of the complaint to final report including interviewing our facilitators in the roles of the complainants, witnesses and the respondent.
- The training scenario is a bullying and sexual harassment complaint.
- Analyse scenarios to develop skills to identify issue and formulate investigation and interview plans
- Develop and practice their interviewing skills by interviewing actors and facilitators in the roles of complainants, witnesses and respondents
- Receive feedback on their interviews and tips and tactics from professional investigators.
All participants will receive the full AWPTI advanced level Workplace Investigation Document and video Toolbox, value $1500.00 included in the cost of the course – Details here.
The advanced document toolbox now comes with links to 3 investigation training videos
* Complaint Analysis
* Interview planning
* Complainant Interviewing.
* 11 demonstration interview videos:
Yes that’s right the value of the toolbox is more than the cost of the course – why, well, It’s not all about the money, I am about teaching best practice workplace investigation process and improving skills and as part of the process you need the right documents and manuals and also it helps once you have done the course to be able to go back over and watch the instructions videos. Please note the toolbox is provided on completion of the course.
To book or to make payment
Please contact us at equiries@awpti.com.au. We will provide you with an invoice that can be paid by EFT, PayPal or by credit card.
AWPTI – workplace investigation Sydney and nationwide. Workplace training national wide
Misconduct investigations, bullying investigations, harassment investigations & sexual harassment investigations, complaint investigations,