Workplace Interpersonal Conflict
Workplace Interpersonal Conflict – Not all complaints are cases of bullying or harassment, at times complaints arise from people who just don’t get along or who just don’t like each other, we class these as disputes or interpersonal disputes.
In some cases a dispute resolution invention might better option to deal with complaints than an investigation especially in matters of a she said, he said nature with little of no other evidence. Each matter must be assessed on it merits.
In addition, not all investigation outcomes result in the dismissal of employees and at times after an investigation it may be necessary to rebuild relationships.
SafeWork Australia defines workplace conflict as;
“Differences of opinion and disagreements are generally not workplace bullying. People can have differences or disagreements in the workplace without engaging in repeated, unreasonable behaviour that creates a risk to health and safety.
Some people may also take offence at action taken by management, but that does not mean that the management action in itself was unreasonable. However, in some cases conflict that is not managed may escalate to the point where it becomes workplace bullying.”
AWPTI can provide a cost effective solutions to workplace conflict using our dispute resolution intervention model that is designed to create a win win situation for the parties and for your business. Contact AWPTI for detail of how we can help you by conducting a dispute resolution intervention process –
If you have received a complaint and are not sure what to do, go to our home page and request our Compliant Analysis Chart. The chart will assist you in deciding the best course of action to take when you have received a complaint.
Other areas that can benefit from a dispute resolution intervention are issues around;
Workplace Bullying informal resolution – Lessons for employers
1. Have a policy that includes a informal dispute resolution option.
2. Make sure that your staff are aware of this option and how it works.
3. Train you mangers on how to conduct a basic dispute resolution process so that they have the confidence to tackle these problems before they get out of hand.
How can AWPTI help with training?
Having you HR professionals, managers and supervisors trained is great way to ensure that you are able to address problem early.
I have created 2 Workplace Interpersonal Conflict courses as part of the Live by Request series, more details here
Understanding Workplace Interpersonal Conflict – 2 hours
A course for employees of all levels designed to deliver pathways to optimal workplace communications and relationships. This courses teaches participants how to develop and maintain harmonious working relationship based on mutual respect.
Understanding Workplace Interpersonal Conflict Advanced – For Managers
A course for managers and supervisors. This courses teaches participants how to deal with interpersonal conflict between employees and maintain harmonious working relationship based on mutual respect and shows managers how avoid interpersonal conflict with employees and avoid complaint of bullying when managing staff and conducting performance management programs and reviews.
These courses are run remotely via Zoom or MS Teams.
The Understanding Workplace Interpersonal Conflict Advanced – For Managers program is also part of the larger Management Essentials Program
The training is conducted by Phil O’Brien a highly qualified and experienced workplace investigator as a result of having to investigate a number of complaints against managers that had their origins in disputes where employee were unhappy with the response from a manager and the dispute escalated into further complaints. The training is not theory based, it is based on actually complaints and issues experience by managers. and designed to ensure that if a complaint is made that the manager acted in the appropriate manner.
Please contact us for more details, costings and to book courses –
AWPTI – workplace investigations Sydney and through-out NSW, QLD and Victoria. Workplace training national wide
Misconduct investigations, bullying investigations, harassment investigations & sexual harassment investigations, complaint investigations, grievance investigations
AWPTI – Workplace training Sydney and through-out NSW and national wide
Misconduct training, bullying training, harassment training & sexual harassment training